Mellie Areena Artema

City: Menomonie

State: WI

Languages: English

Personalized Affiliation: Interspiritual

Spiritual Spheres: Buddhism, Christianity, Eco/Nature-based, Hinduism, Interfaith, Interspiritual, Quaker, Spiritual but Not Religious, Spiritual Independent, Taoism, Unitarian Universalist, Wicca/Neopaganism

Affinity Groups:

Category: LGBTQ+

Email: [email protected]

Phone: Phone calls not available


Focus Area: Corporate/Workplace, Creative Arts, Dreamworker, Dying/Sick/Hospice, Ecospirituality/Nature-based, Education, Energy Work, Enneagram, Health Care, LGBTQIA+, Mental Health/Depression, Mindfulness/Meditation, Non-Traditional Healing, People with Disabilities, Psychic Phenomena, Women's Issues

Social Media:

Profile: My professional background has been heavily focused on wellness and healing arts, providing body-mind-soul therapies, services, and education to promote holistic ways of thinking, building self-awareness, and creating conscious personal growth. This work uses multiple, eclectic approaches to offer opportunities to slow down, connect, reflect, learn, holistically process, and expand our human experience. I use a collaborative, heart-centered approach that honors interspiritual values and peer support values.

I am neurodivergent and tend to attract people who identify as empathic, introverted, highly sensitive, or neurodivergent as well. My background includes spiritual companioning, acupuncture, many modalities of bodywork and energy medicine, herbal medicine, somatic education, peer support, and trauma recovery coaching.

The intention of our time together focuses on bringing compassionate curiosity to the experiences of the body-mind-soul so that we may more fully listen and lean into the ways all parts of you may be asking to be witnessed. This work offers holistic, collaborative support and an opportunity to have a trusted companion on your path with you as we explore how experiences show up through personal growth, healing work, hope, love, forgiveness, compassion, beauty, grief, pain, deep questions, fears, and all the things that life's journey asks us to hold.

We may journey together to explore mystery, paradox, and the subtle ways in which personal growth, transformation, and integration happens. Sessions offer a non-clinical, non-dogmatic, collaborative partnership in which we can explore what's on your mind and in your heart.

Appointments are available in person in Menomonie, Wisconsin, or remotely via Zoom.

Some of what I support others in exploring:

- Support with remembering our sense of interconnectedness and who we are at our core
- Exploring other ways of knowing, beyond the intellect
- Supporting natural rhythms and cycles of life
- Holistic approaches for restoring a sense of well-being
- Exploring the lived experience of neurodivergence, unique ways of sensory processing, complex chronic illnesses, etc
- Somatic explorations and embodiment practices
- Honoring the need for rest and restorative practices
- Support with topics of sexuality, gender, and relationships
- Understanding aspects of both our humanity and our divinity
- Resources and discussions on energy medicine topics
- Dismantling pathologizing paradigms
- Connection to the land, plant allies, spirit realm, natural world, ancestors, and unseen forces
- Mystical healing principles and practices
- Exploring your personal spirituality and your connection to what you consider sacred
- Theosophical ideas, metaphysics, and esoteric practices
- Personal maps such as astrological charts, Enneagram, Gene Keys, Human Design, etc
- Near death experiences, dreams, psychedelic experiences, and other mystical experiences
- Experiences with intuition, voices, visions, or other unique perceptions
- Honoring the callings of your own heart
- Creating sacred space and ritual guidance
- Eastern principles for self-care

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