Kiran Young Wimberly

City: Ballycastle

State: N. Ireland

Languages: English

Personalized Affiliation: Christianity

Spiritual Spheres:

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Email: [email protected]



Focus Area: Creative Arts, Grief and Loss, Group Spiritual Direction, Mindfulness/Meditation

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Profile: An ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), I completed my theological studies (Master of Divinity) at Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey in 2005. After working in the parish and in the field of spirituality in Belfast, Northern Ireland, I returned to Princeton in 2013 for further studies in the areas of spirituality, trauma and music. I received my Spiritual Direction certification through a hybrid program between Oasis Ministries and Princeton Theological Seminary in 2016. In 2022 I trained in the Community Resilience Model (Trauma Resource Institute) in wellness skills to help us flourish amid the stresses of daily life. I am deeply informed by Celtic spirituality and Ignatian spiritual practice, and by my experience of being the mother of three. I love the honest prayers of the psalms and have produced four albums of Celtic Psalms and a podcast called Psalms for the Spirit in which I explore the connections between spirituality and resilience. I write a newsletter called Bless My Feet, reflecting on spirituality and the daily walk, and I work freelance offering retreats, trainings, workshops, concerts, and spiritual direction. As an American who has lived in Asia and the Middle East and now lives on the north coast of Ireland based at the Corrymeela Community, I have been exposed to a variety of faith expressions and life perspectives. This has broadened my image of God and enriched my spiritual life tremendously. I hope to create a safe space for spiritual seekers to listen for God’s loving invitation in your life.

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