Out of Darkness, Into Light
Out of Darkness, Into Light: Spiritual Guidance in the Quran with Reflections from Jewish and Christian Sources, by Jamal Rahman, Kathleen Schmitt Elias, and Ann Holmes Redding
An introduction to the major themes and passages of the holy book of Islam, this book invites readers of any religion or none to meditate on verses of the Quran as support for spiritual practices and growth. It guides the reader through the rich tapestry of the Quran, weaving through a number of themes, including the mystery of God, surrender to the divine will, and provisions for the spiritual journey.
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“An exceptional and accessible book. Harmoniously written, marbled with stories, and studded with insights, this book is a gift to the faithful imagination in a time when we must encounter the Other in ways that transform both us and them. We discover a Quran that, rather than triggering our fears, deepens our spiritual intelligence and nourishes our souls.”
Larry Daloz & Sharon Parks, co-authors,
Common Fire: Leading Lives of Commitment in a Complex World
“The writers of this thoughtful and wise book take us gently by the hand and show us, `Here is the one God, the God of us all, right here in the Quran.’ This message is actually quite good news, although it challenges the assumption that God is wholly owned by Christianity, or any one religion. I hope that Out of Darkness Into Light is read widely and taken to heart so that we all can widen our circles of embrace and recognize the God of love and compassion in more people and places.”
Desmond Tutu, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and
Archbishop Emeritus of Capetown, South Africa
“This marvelous book is an example of the theology that is done best when it is done comparatively. Out of Darkness into Light offers new insights for beginners as well as the most seasoned reader of scripture.”
Amir Hussain, Associate Professor of Theological Studies,
Loyola Marymount University and Co-chair of the
Contemporary Islam Group of the American Academy of Religion
“A magnificently engaging reflection on faith by authors who adhere to the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic traditions. Elegantly written, highly readable, and eminently fulfilling for anyone interested in understanding what light Judaism, Christianity and Islam offer today.”
Ebrahim Moosa, Professor of Islamic Studies, Duke University
“An exciting book for those who want to explore more deeply the spiritual teachings of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism . . . inspires a healing conversation of spirit among the three Abrahamic faiths and provides nourishment for our souls and greater hope for peaceful and loving coexistence in our world.”
Rabbi Ted Falcon, PhD, founder of meditative synagogues in
Los Angeles and Seattle and author of Judaism for Dummies,
Getting to the Heart of Interfaith, and A Journey of Awakening