Jenny DeVivo

City: Oak Lawn

State: IL

Languages: English

Personalized Affiliation: Christianity

Spiritual Spheres: Christianity

Affinity Groups:


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 7082283444


Focus Area: Enneagram

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Profile: Jenny DeVivo is a spiritual director who bring the gifts of divine hospitality to individuals who desire union with God, for the purpose of fullness of life. For her full-time work, Jenny is Executive Director of Mission and Heritage at Saint Xavier University and is responsible for the Catholic and Mercy identity of the university. She holds a PhD in New Testament and Early Christianity, and prior to her role at SXU, spent many years teaching Bible and Theology at the university level. She is a Benedictine Oblate with St. Benedict’s monastery in St. Joseph, MN and is grateful to the many religious orders who shaped her theology, ministry, and spirituality. Jenny is available for spiritual direction in person, by phone, or in an online video format..

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