Sisters in Mourning:

Daughters Reflecting on Care, Loss, and Meaning

Edited by Su Yon Pak and Mychal B. Springer

Reviewed by Karen Erlichman, DMin, LCSW

Sisters in Mourning is a unique, insightful, and intimate collection of stories and conversations among spiritual leaders and caregivers who are also adult daughters caring for and grieving their mothers. This book also provides some sample reflection questions, process guidelines, and lived examples that would lend themselves beautifully to other spiritual direction groups for adult children of all genders, races, spiritual traditions, and cultures.

Sisters in Mourning: Daughters Reflecting on Care, Loss, and Meaning

edited by Su Yon Pak and Mychal B. Springer

Eugene, OR

Cascade Books, 2021

148 pages

CAD $25.24

GBP £15.00

USD $16.64


This Review Appears In


Vol. 28 | No. 1 | MARCH – 2022


Karen Erlichman, DMin, LCSW

provides psychotherapy, spiritual direction, supervision, and So(U)L coaching in San Francisco, California, USA. She is a consultant to The Dinner Party, and she also serves on the Professional Advisory Group for the University of California, San Francisco, Medical Center Spiritual Care Services Department.

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