Gathering our Voices - Survey

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1. What is your name?

Program Information

If your program is exclusively online, please say "n/a"
5. What is the structure of your program?
Choose from drop-down menu
Choose from drop-down menu
10. What is the format of your program? Choose all that apply:


11. Which of the curricular content below is included in your program? (Note that Spiritual Direction/Spiritual Companionship is shorthanded to “SD/SC” below)
I don't knowNot IncludedTouched UponIncludedSignificant Component
A. Defining SD/SC (what it is, and is not)
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
B. Comparison of SD/SC to other helping professions
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
C. History, background of SD/SC (as appropriate to your spiritual tradition or orientation)
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
D. Stages of spiritual development (as appropriate to your spiritual tradition or orientation)
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
E. Teaching on spiritual/religious texts from one or more traditions
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
F. Teaching on core doctrines from one or more traditions
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
G. Spiritual practices/prayer (e.g lectio divina, chanting, body work, breath work, leading rituals, etc.)
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
H. Contemplative listening skills
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
I. Contemplative responding skills
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
11 (cont.) Which of the curricular content below is included in your program? (Note that Spiritual Direction/Spiritual Companionship is shorthanded to “SD/SC” below)
I don't knowNot IncludedTouched UponIncludedSignificant Component
J. Supervision in SD/SC
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
K. Discernment in SD/SC
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
L. Psychological dynamics in SD/SC
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
M. Health and well-being in SD/SC
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
N. Interfaith/interspiritual dynamics in SD/SC
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
O. How to find clients/establish a practice
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
P. How to make a living as a SD/SC
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
Q. Digital or online SD/SC
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
R. Group SD/SC
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
S. Type-test theories (e.g. Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, Spirituality Types)
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
T. Decolonizing SD/SC, or SD/SC for collective liberation
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
U. SD/SC specifically with young people
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
V. SD/SC specifically with LGBTQ people
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
W. SD/SC specifically with people in recovery
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
X. SD/SC specifically with Atheists, Agnostics, Nones
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
11 (cont.) Which of the curricular content below is included in your program? (Note that Spiritual Direction/Spiritual Companionship is shorthanded to “SD/SC” below)
I don't knowNot IncludedTouched UponIncludedSignificant Component
Y. Shadow work
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
Z. Attunement to intuition
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
AA. Rites of Passage
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
BB. Grief/Mourning
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
CC. Race & Racism
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
DD. Gender & Sexism
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
EE. Trauma & Healing
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
FF. Dreams
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
GG. Death & Dying
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
HH. Other topics not listed above
I don't know
Not Included
Touched Upon
Significant Component
16. What are your priorities at this moment?
Not a priorityMedium priorityTop priority
Identifying and recruiting students
Not a priority
Medium priority
Top priority
identifying and recruiting quality instructors/teachers/guides
Not a priority
Medium priority
Top priority
retention of staff or leaders
Not a priority
Medium priority
Top priority
program development
Not a priority
Medium priority
Top priority
Not a priority
Medium priority
Top priority
administrative management
Not a priority
Medium priority
Top priority
relevance of programming for next generation directees
Not a priority
Medium priority
Top priority
relevance of programming for communities of color
Not a priority
Medium priority
Top priority
relevance of programming for Spiritual But Not Religious, mutifaith, or spiritually independent seekers
Not a priority
Medium priority
Top priority
identification of our offering as a form of spiritual companionship (e.g. others may not see it this way)
Not a priority
Medium priority
Top priority

Ten years from now...

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