New Webinar with Fr. Adam Bucko – Starts April 12


Matt Whitney

Join our community of spiritual companions and wayfarers for this 3-part webinar “book club” of deep conversation and discernment with one of SDI’s most compelling teachers, Fr. Adam Bucko.

We will be reading Fr. Adam’s newest book, Let Your Heartbreak Be Your Guide – designed for every person trying to live at the intersection of contemplation and justice, but will be specially resonant for spiritual directors and companions.

Father Adam will offer two pre-recorded talks and two live Q&A sessions for participants. A guide for each chapter will be made available, with journal prompts to record your insights. Gain insight into how to walk in difficult times with boldness, authenticity, and to compassionately accompany people through difficult times.

Don’t miss this new teaching from a contemplative teacher Fr. Richard Rohr calls “a trustworthy guide to discovering a spiritual life for our century and living in service of compassion and justice.”

Register today by clicking this link: Let Your Heartbreak Be Your Guide (

Picture of Matt Whitney

Matt Whitney

Matt is the Creative Director for SDI.



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