Oportunidades en SDI

Thank you for your interest in working with us at SDI. We are an inclusive, global learning community that advocates for and celebrates the service of spiritual companionship, also known as spiritual direction, spiritual accompaniment, and spiritual guidance. Our work supports, educates and connects spiritual directors and companions, and many other friends, providing a deep listening community where companions can find one another. We share and advocate for universal human values of love, compassion and respect, with over six thousand members on six continents.

En esta página encontrarás las últimas oportunidades de trabajo con SDI. Por favor, consulta las actualizaciones.

There are currently no openings at SDI at this time.

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  • para tu inspiración on your spiritual journey
  • para el placer de encontrar la sabiduría que se puede sentir en el cuerpo, la mente y el espíritu 
  • para un momento de reflexión 
  • como muestra de nuestro profundo respeto por quién eres y tu contribución a nuestro movimiento