Lil Smith


State: TX

Languages: English

Personalized Affiliation: Christianity

Spiritual Spheres: Christianity, Interfaith, Interspiritual, Spiritual but Not Religious, Unitarian Universalist

Affinity Groups:


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 214-543-9833


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Profile: My definition of spiritual direction is to take a long, loving look at what is real (Presence), to seek freedom from bondage (tangles and knots), to savor and celebrate with the Holy, to discover a deeper meaning and purpose in life. Together we will listen, explore, and tend your relationship with the Holy. This spiritual work emerges from your image of God/Source/Breath as we encourage a developing language that is a natural expression of your relationship. Tending body, mind, and spirit, we will discover new life together. I work with individuals and groups in spiritual direction and in supervision of spiritual directors. Inviting the whole self to these sessions, I invite imagination and creativity with art, music, and written expression. My passion: accompanying individuals and groups in the spiritual walk. My training: MDIV and DMIN from SMU Perkins School of Theology, Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction from San Francisco Theological Seminary, Supervision Training with Together in the Mystery. I am a co-founder of Retreat House Spirituality Center in Richardson (Dallas), TX. I meet with individuals and small groups here. I also meet via telephone and video conference. You may visit my website for fees and booking information: With a grateful heart, Lil

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