Karen Dalton

City: Claremont

State: CA

Languages: English

Personalized Affiliation: Christianity

Spiritual Spheres:

Affinity Groups:


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 9094558453


Focus Area: Corporate/Workplace, Education, Elderly/Mature, Enneagram, Grief and Loss, Mental Health/Depression, Mindfulness/Meditation, Physical or Sexual Abuse, Women's Issues

Social Media:

Profile: I'm a retired United Methodist pastor who has served congregations and was on the staff and faculty at Claremont School of Theology for 25 years. I have been a spiritual director since 2006 and continue sharing with people in this way. While I am rooted in Christianity I learn from and draw from many other religious and spiritual traditions. I'm married and have two daughters. I also enjoy music, gardening, being outdoors, and spending time with my 3 grandchildren.

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