Frank Inzan Owen

City: Atlanta

State: GA

Languages: English

Personalized Affiliation: Spiritual Independent

Spiritual Spheres: Bahai, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Eco/Nature-based, Interfaith, Interspiritual, Native/Indigenous, Quaker, Shinto, Spiritual but Not Religious, Spiritual Independent, Taoism, Unitarian Universalist, Wicca/Neopaganism

Affinity Groups:


Email: [email protected]



Focus Area: Addiction, Asian Cultures, Codependency, Corporate/Workplace, Couples/Families, Creative Arts, Divorced/Widowed, Dreamworker, Ecospirituality/Nature-based, Education, Elderly/Mature, European Cultures, Grief and Loss, LGBTQIA+, Men's Issues, Mental Health/Depression, Mindfulness/Meditation, Young Adults

Social Media:

Profile: I provide contemplative soulwork, creative mentoring, life-path exploration, and spiritual companioning. In all cases, the process is characterized by Deep Listening, collaborative tracking of inner work, and a journey of attending to deeper themes stirring within a life. The view here is that each person, ultimately, answers to an inner living process that has an ancient, autonomous intelligence, whose unfolding wisdom is revealed in gradual ways but whose fullness, energy, momentum, and directives are often concealed in the subterranean depths of who we are. Accessing the wisdom of this living process is an ongoing practice and often necessitates slowing down and paying attention. I call the practice of attuning to the emerging themes of soul -- contemplative soulwork.

I work with people of diverse backgrounds including but not limited to caregivers, therapists, healers, chaplains, artists, poets, and writers, contemplatives and Wayfarers, individuals traversing the landscape of midlife, HSPs (highly-sensitive and energy-aware persons), people involved in a process of spiritual formation, and those undergoing significant change including leaders and managers in organizations navigating their own shifts around inner and outer change.

Learn more about my background and the journey of contemplative soulwork at my website

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