Providence Renewal Centre

City: Edmonton

State: Alberta

Languages: English

Personalized Affiliation: Christianity

Spiritual Spheres: Christianity

Affinity Groups:


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 780-430-9491


Focus Area: Education

Social Media:

Profile: Providence Renewal Centre offers PRESENCE: Called in Love, Sent to Serve, a two-year spiritual formation program in the Christian tradition designed to help participants grow in self-knowledge as they explore the ministry of spiritual direction. Being in a spiritual direction relationship for at least a year is a pre-requisite for PRESENCE. The first year, Called in Love, focuses on deepening one’s personal spiritual life and discerning one’s call to spiritual direction ministry through a series of workshops, retreats, group and individual reflection opportunities. Participants may opt to continue to year two or not. The second year, Sent to Serve, nurtures the skills required in the ministry of spiritual direction through a supervised practicum, as well as through a series of workshops, group reflection, and retreats. Year one is a pre-requisite for year two. Providence Renewal Centre (PRC) is a ecumenical retreat and conference centre. PRC provides a peaceful, reflective environment where you can rest and care for yourself. Step aside from everyday life and enter into a Sacred Space in a Busy World!

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