Cherry Hill Seminary

City: Columbia

State: SC

Languages: English

Personalized Affiliation: Wicca/Neopaganism

Spiritual Spheres: Eco/Nature-based, Interfaith, Interspiritual, Spiritual but Not Religious, Spiritual Independent, Unitarian Universalist, Wicca/Neopaganism

Affinity Groups:


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 8034224565


Focus Area:

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Profile: Education in Pagan and Nature Spiritualities to transform the world. Cherry Hill Seminary is the leading provider of education and practical training in leadership, ministry, and personal growth in Pagan and Nature-Based spiritualities. We offer the Master of Divinity degree along with a Community Ministry Certificate (CMC) and Spiritual Direction Certificate (SpiDir), fully online with video class meetings. Our 24-month spiritual direction certificate program is cohort-based, with new communities forming in April of each year. This 24-month, fully virtual program is the first of its kind, as currently there are no programs grounded in earth-relating/deities-honoring spiritualities. More information may be found at

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