Saturday Workshops
Workshop Details
Our workshops will run from 2:00PM – 3:30PM MDT y 4:00PM – 5:30PM MDT on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
We will continue to add details about further sessions as we receive them. Stay tuned!
Saturday Workshops (E)
May 14, 2022 - (14:00 - 15:30 MDT)
Dreams and Creativity: Touching the Liminal
Images that arrive during the Dreamtime are doorways into both the soul and the psyche. Working creatively with these images during the Awaketime allows us to walk through those doorways, crossing a threshold into greater wholeness and understanding. Come explore ways to work with images in a variety of expressions including visual journaling, collage, altar building, found poetry, movement and more. Led by Allen Proctor and Sheila Petruccelli of the Haden Institute.

Allen Proctor
Allen Proctor is the Director of the Haden Institute, a program that trains Spiritual Directors and Dream Workers in the Jungian, Mystical Christian tradition. Allen is a Spiritual Director, Dream Work Facilitator and Presbyterian minister. Throughout his ministry he has worked with others on questions of identity, relationships, vocation and meaning, using dream work, the Enneagram, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, meditation practices and Celtic spirituality.

Sheila Petruccelli
As Director of Creative Embodiment for the Haden Institute, Sheila Petruccelli holds sacred space for those seeking to integrate, process and ritualize promptings of the soul. She sees creative work as holy work, knowing Carl Jung spoke truth when he said, “the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.” She draws on a variety of tools including poetry, dreams, symbology, astrology, painting and collage. With a gift for reading energy and interpreting images, Sheila honors the unseen, the unknown and the unimaginable. Her personal prayer life includes dance music, glue sticks and lots and lots of candles.
Tikkun (Engaging the Individual Spiritual Life and the Soul of the World) Ancient Jewish Mystical and Contemporary Approaches to Activist and Contemplative Spiritual Direction
In our sacred service as Spiritual Directors we work at the intersection of an individual’s spiritual journey with the larger system of faith community, workplace, and global community across socio-economic, race, religious and other spiritual identity borders. This workshop, drawing from Jewish Spiritual Direction, Kabbalah, Non-Dual Healing, Community Justice Organizing and Group Dynamics Systems Theory will be an experience and reflection on where our own calling and soul journey is towards justice and healing in the world, while offering approaches and perspectives on how to be present to our directees or students in formation programs to also be agents of spiritual activism and change in our world.

Shawn Zevit
Shawn Israel Zevit serves as rabbi at Mishkan Shalom, in Philadelphia, PA. A member of the ALEPH ORDINATION COUNCIL AND FACULTY. He is co-founder/director with Rabbi Marcia Prager of the Davennen Leader’s Training Institute; and with Rabbi Nadya Gross is the Associate Director for the ALEPH Hashpa’ah (Spiritual Direction) Training Program. Shawn has been offering spiritual direction for over 20 years, teaching at SDI conferences and Leadership Institutes, SDI committees, and working with people of all faith backgrounds. He is an active leader is faith and justice work, co-chair of the clergy caucus of POWER Faith in Action in Philadelphia, is a liturgical recording and performing artist founder of; co-editor of “Brother Keepers: New Perspectives in Jewish Masculinity”; and author of “Offerings of the Heart: Money and Values in Faith Community”
Spiritual Trauma – Happening, Hurting & Healing
Nota: This workshop presenter will be joining the conference remotely and will not be live in Santa Fe.
This interactive workshop will provide definitions of trauma – including the differences/intersection between religious and spiritual trauma* – and offer ways to companion survivors.
First person examples of traumatic occurrences (Two Voices) and roleplay between survivor/directee and facilitator/director will be presented.
Participants will engage in pairs, by exploring a spiritual direction scenario presented in the large group (One Voice).
Participants will return to the large group to practice embodied spirituality (healing movements).
The beautiful words from the book Belonging, by Canadian author, Toko-pa Turner, will be woven through this workshop.
*Ref: Trauma Informed Ministry by Diane J. Strickland, a Canadian trauma specialist and United Church minister

Joan Alexander
Joan Alexander (she/her/hers) is a Spiritual Director & Supervisor who lives on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Her professional training includes a two-year spiritual direction course at The Haden Institute and several SDI supervision courses with Lucy Abbott Tucker.
Joan has an active spiritual direction and supervision practice with clients in Canada, the USA and the UK. As a spiritual direction supervision educator, she offers virtual workshops that are based on the teachings of Lucy Abbott Tucker (resource: Spiritual Direction Supervision: Principals, Practices, & Storytelling). Joan also offers virtual presentations on: Spiritual Direction with the 2SLGBTQ+ Community, Dreams – What Do They Mean, and The Labyrinth – Walking Your Path. She continues to marvel at the ways her life unfolds in this beautiful ministry.
To find out more about Joan, please see
Companioning the Body
What is happening in your body? Is this a question you explore when you hold space for another? What would happen if you entered a time of companionship assuming your bodies are allies in this transformative work? In this workshop we will bring the body into spiritual companioning. We will explore several techniques for bringing embodied awareness and exploration into a companioning session. While spending an hour in quiet conversation can be transformative and wonderful, companioning the body directly gives access to places our thinking and conversation cannot reach by themselves. Participants will directly experience and practice these techniques for the ability to apply them immediately to their own spiritual practice and their companioning sessions. This workshop will be highly interactive as we learn and practice ways to listen with and to the body.

Sarah Cledwyn
Sarah Cledwyn is a mystic and dreamer. She has been a full-time spiritual director and energy healer since 2016. Sarah is fascinated by transformation and spiritual practice and finds dreaming, biospiritual focusing, embodiment and the natural world to be anchors of her spiritual life. Sarah works with one-on-one directees, groups, and leads courses and retreats. For the next two years she is assisting in a Lilly Grant designed to introduce contemplative practices to congregational life. Find out more about Sarah at her website at
Passing the Torch: The Apprentice Model of Spiritual Direction Training
The ancient model of spiritual direction training—the apprentice model—is back. What is it? Why is it important? And what are the advantages of mentoring as training? Teresa Blythe, author of Spiritual Direction 101: The Basics of Spiritual Guidance and former director of the Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction in Tucson, will engage with workshop attendees about how she is training individuals who demonstrate the aptitude for deep listening as a spiritual director. We’ll talk about how experienced spiritual directors can pass on the wisdom and practice of engaging people where they are on their unique spiritual path in flexible and creative ways equipping gifted people who may not be financially or physically able to attend traditional training programs. For lasting change in the world, we must expand the reach of who we train, and apprenticing offers that inclusivity.

Teresa Blythe
Teresa Blythe has been working in spiritual direction and discernment coaching with individuals, groups and organizations since 1997. She founded the Phoenix Center for Spiritual Direction at First Church Phoenix UCC in 2015 and spent 14 years as the director of the Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction in Tucson. She is currently training spiritual directors in the Apprentice Training Program—a self-paced, one-on-one learning experience she founded for select individuals with natural gifts for spiritual direction. Teresa wrote Spiritual Direction 101: The Basics of Spiritual Guidance, 50 Ways to Pray and has co-authored a new book with Rev. Chad Abbott on congregational spirituality, Incline Your Ear: Cultivating Spiritual Awakening in Congregations. Teresa received her Master of Divinity and Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction from San Francisco Theological Seminary in 2000 and is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ (UCC).
Zikr and Whirling - An Introduction
Dancing in ecstasy you go, my soul of souls.
Some call you love, I call you the king of Love.
Oh, Ruler of my heart, wherever you go…
Don’t go without me…
-Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi
Join us for this introductory workshop in which we explore both the mechanics and blessings of Zikr and Whirling. Zikr is Remembrance. It is the chanting of the beautiful attributes of God, by name and verse. Zikr can be done either while seated or standing/moving. Whirling is the practice of turning around the axis of one’s body. Both are practices of moving meditation. It is a form of transcendence in immanence.
Zikr and Whirling alone or together can create ecstasy, an innate expansion of the spirit towards love, joy and bliss. This ecstasy is a healing balm. It is the perfume of the Beloved that fills our breath. The goal of the Sufi is to ride the vehicle of ecstasy to arrive at the destination of a higher spiritual capacity. Let us chant and whirl together to arrive at Bliss, if only for a moment.
Please wear modest and comfortable clothing that will allow ease of movement. Please bring thick socks or turn shoes for hard floor surfaces.

Azra Rahim
Azra Rahim has a BSc in Molecular Biology and holds an MD. She describes herself this way: “Muslim Sufi. Spiritual Quester. Truth seeker. Globe trotter. Lover of food, flowers and all things green. Indiscriminate dispenser of hugs. Kisser of all things beautiful.”
Spiritual Companionship and Social Justice
This workshop will explore ways spiritual directors and spiritual companions can foster engagement in a variety of ways, whether it be social action in our communities or one-to-one heart/mind engagements with another person. This workshop will create space for participants to consider their social location, current practice, and ways to engage larger social issues. Spiritual companionship has often been a part of social movements (ie The Civil Rights Movement; The Stonewall Uprising; Black Lives Matter; Howard Thurman’s role in the Civil Rights Movement) and today’s spiritual companions are invited to continue the legacy of providing spiritual companionship for in the public square. Participants will explore models of spiritual companionship that fosters service in love and use these models as inspiration and motivation for their vocations as spiritual companions. Participants will also explore common spiritual themes involved in social action and social justice work.

Larry J. Morris III
Rev. Larry J. Morris III is a practicing spiritual director, apostle, scholar, and digital marketing professional with experience in branding, public relations, social media, and content creation, having supported nonprofits and social enterprises for over 15 years. He has a BS in Psychology at Alliant International University, an MDiv and MTS from the Claremont School of Theology, and is currently a Ph.D. student at Christian Theological Seminary. He is the founder and apostle of Communion Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Henderson, NV., and his research interests are at the intersections of race, sexuality, and sacred rhetoric. Learn more at

Sheila Spencer
Rev. Sheila P. Spencer has a life built on a foundation of faith, family, friends, food, and art. She is a writer, educator, poet, spiritual director, preacher, mentor, author, and ordained Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) minister. Her call is to live out Micah 6:8 by loving others, advocating for justice, and staying connected to God. Her life is built on a foundation of faith, family, friends, food, and art.
Saturday Workshops (F)
May 14, 2022 - (16:00 - 17:30 MDT)
Workshop Details Coming Soon