Passionate spiritual travelers - your journey starts here.

Awaken new insights. Acquire new wisdom. Find yourself.

Let SDI be your guide to some of the most beautiful and sacred sites in the world.

Upcoming SDI Journeys

Why Join Us

As a professional Spiritual Journeys manager, we excel at helping you to discover special places. Not just any vacation, but truly exceptional trips filled with inspiring and enriching experiences. We believe in seeing the world in the most unique way possible, and we want to share our knowledge and passion for travel and spirituality with all of those whom we guide. Explore our site to find out more.

Guides That Companion With You

Every SDI Journey is led by guides that are experienced both in the local landscape, history, and custom, and also as spiritual companions. Companions that listen to your story and longings with care and compassion, as they offer you deep insight into what is happening on your travel experience.

Pause. Rest. Renew.

We all need downtime. Opportunities abound to slow down, explore and pay attention, find words for the experience in poetry and creative writing, or to take a nap. Simple daily rituals call us together as a community, to share in discovery and wonder.

Which Journey Will You Take? Peruse our Current Offerings, or call 1-425-455-1565 to book today.

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