
Frank Owen

Dr. Khadijah Matin

Rev. Dayna Edwards

Bryce Woyak
November 4, 11, 18, 25, 2024
1PM-2:30PM PST
4PM-5:30PM EST
Find your local time zone.
6 hours (total)
Webinar will be recorded.
“The moment we choose to love, we begin to move toward freedom.”
― bell hooks
There are many attempts at categorizing those walking a path of spiritual freedom. We see, and use, broad terms such as ‘Spiritual Independents’, ‘Spiritual but not religious’, or ‘The Nones’. These categories, as any, are ultimately limited. As spiritual directors and companions, we know each person’s spiritual story is unique, regardless of spiritual tradition and orientation. So all that said, how do we companion the spiritual explorer – the wayfarer who has left the religion of their upbringing, practices more than one religion, or does not see themselves as rooted in a particular religious tradition or spiritual orientation? How do we nurture the increased spiritual curiosity and playfulness our companions bring to their sessions with us? How do we help others navigate the rejection of an upbringing, or subjection to a religion and spirituality they found stunted or even harmful? What if that tradition they’ve left behind is one we cherish? These questions are the underpinnings of this new series from SDI – companioning those who have entered the spiritual wilderness, and earnestly tread a “wayless path” that is beyond what they know, and possibly what others have known. However one’s unique journey manifests, the diversity of the paths walked by those we companion will only continue to grow.
“The essence of our practice can be described as transforming our own consciousness and helping others awaken to their true nature. No matter the tradition, it’s the same path of compassion and understanding.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh
Key Takeaways
- Understanding the allure and challenges of spiritual freedom
- Strategies for grounding spiritual practice without traditional religious structures
- Navigating the emotional complexities of deconstruction
- Providing authentic support as a spiritual companion to those outside your tradition
“Interspirituality does not dilute any tradition, but rather honors the richness of all paths and the shared universal truths they hold.”
― Brother Wayne Teasdale
Join us for an insightful four-part webinar series designed for spiritual directors and companions, “Seeking Spiritual Freedom: Walking with Spiritual Independents.” This series delves into the burgeoning movement of spiritual independents, exploring the complexities and nuances of true spiritual freedom. We’ll learn from spiritual companions who have walked their own path to freedom, and help others in theirs. These paths are diverse and surprising (freedom may come by grounding in very rigid structures!), but they are all insightful and inspiring for us as spiritual directors and companions to better serve the growing diversity of spiritual wayfarers seeking our help.
“Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever.”
― Jiddu Krishnamurti
Frank Owen
Frank Owen earned a Master of Arts in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa University in the mid-90s with a focus in Jungian Psychology, Ecopsychology, and Gestalt Studies. Additionally, he pursued post-graduate studies in Jungian Dreambody work, spiritual direction, and spiritually-integrated psychotherapy (SIP), a year-long course of study developed by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE).
Though he has facilitated traditional mental health counseling in the past, over time he realized his real gift lies more in the domain of supporting people with gaining greater clarity about their path, exploring the numinous dimensions of the inner life, and navigating the shifts and changes surrounding pivotal themes of the spiritual journey. Some people call this “coaching”; his preference is “soul mentoring” or “co-walking.”
In his work with others, he adheres to a transpersonal orientation (we are more than only body and mind, and we are more than the sum of our parts), and an interfaith ethic of hospitality (he supports each person, whatever their spiritual or religious path, or if there is none).

Dr. Khadijah Matin
Rev. Dr. Khadijah Matin has established a solid record of commitment to education and faith-based organizations, serving in multiple leadership roles. Building upon her interests in her family history and social justice work, Khadijah’s work looks at the role family and faith history plays as identity and transformation models. Along with her experience in nonprofit governance, and in recognition of her works in intercultural dialogue and civic engagement she was appointed as an Ariane de Rothschild Fellow. Khadijah has an MS from Fordham University; certificates from One Spirit Seminary (2006); ISC Program (2010). She earned her D.Min. In 2012, from New York Theological Seminary, in Multi-faith ministry. Always inspired by her children, Khadijah is called by some as a “woman who walks through walls” and calling as a continuation of her family’s traditions, fulfilling the social justice dreams of her ancestors.
Rev. Dayna Edwards
Rev. Dayna Edwards is called to a ministry of love, creativity, and justice. Currently, she serves as the Minister of Faith Formation at Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Congregation.
She is the recipient of the Roberta Nelson Scholarship for Excellence in Religious Education and the Barbara Marshman and Ann B. Fields Scholarship. She holds an M.Div from Meadville Lombard Theological Seminary and a M.A. in Education and Human Development.
She is passionate about finding ways to connect people with each other, with the Divine and with their own inner knowing. Dayna looks for joy, beauty, and the sacred in the “everyday-ness” of life. Her ministry is rooted in creating and sustaining intergenerational relationships. She lives in Prince George’s County, MD with her three children.
Bryce Woyak
Bryce Woyak has spent most of his life studying various religions and spiritual traditions in search for the boundlessness of the Sacred. He has a B.A. in Religious Studies with a certificate in Celtic Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a Master of Divinity with concentration in pastoral counseling and chaplaincy from Cherry Hill Seminary, and a certificate in Spiritual Direction from Cherry Hill Seminary.
Driven by a call to serve his community, he combines his mystic heart with his training in clinical spiritual care to offer empathic and research-driven spiritual support. He is a Wiccan High Priest and coven leader of the Alexandrian Tradition, as well as a legally ordained minister through Covenant of the Goddess. He is a board-certified chaplain, working full-time in hospice.
Additional Information
- Participants from all spiritual traditions and orientations are welcome in this webinar series as are those with all levels of spiritual experience.
- Each session will run 90 minutes. We understand that the timing of the seminar will not be convenient in every time zone on the planet. For those who have trouble making this time, a recorded copy of each session will be made available to all those who sign up.
- CEU credits are available for all those who participate. SDI will provide a certificate of completion for self-reporting to agencies. More information can be found here: continuing education units (CEUs).
- Cost: $119 for non-members, with significant discounts for SDI members
- Scholarships are available for those facing financial hardship. Please apply here.
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