The SDI Blog: Stories of Companionship

Spiritual direction and companionship inspires people to experience authenticity in their lives as they connect with and explore the ground of all being, that deepest of truths which is beyond life and death and goes by many names, including God, and no name at all. 

Los compañeros espirituales de SDI comparten sus historias en nuestro blog. Obtén provisiones, aprende una nueva práctica e información sobre la modalidad de sanación de la compañía espiritual a través de una de las historias que se comparten a continuación.

If you are an SDI Member interested in writing an SDI Story for the blog, please use our submission form here: Submit an SDI Story.


Contemplative Fishing and Spiritual Direction

As is so often the case, my session with Jerry allowed thoughts and ideas lying just below my consciousness to surface, like trout waiting for the right moment, waiting to surface for sustenance. Frequently I’ve described time with my spiritual director Jerry each month as “oral journaling” in which I’m

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Breathing Hope

Breathing is in vogue.  The power of breath is the marketing anchor for pandemic-era businesses.  Weight-loss plans, organic clothing lines, and meditation apps arrive in my social media feed.  Images of willowy, culturally ambiguous young women breathe in serene meditative poses.  In an Ohio, pandemic winter, I am especially vulnerable to the beach scenes

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Washing Hands as a Spiritual Practice

By Darlene Carlson Washing our hands has taken on new meaning because of the pandemic. What once was a quick, mindless cleansing has become an act of private and public safety. Yet, water has always had significant meaning for humankind. It is life-giving. It symbolizes power, grace, purity and transformation.

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Renaissance 2021 – A New Season of Growth for Spiritual Companionship

Listen: Can you hear it? There in your heart. A vibration. A resonance. A song. It heralds a fresh start – a greening, a blossoming, an awakening.  Be still: Can you feel it brush gently past your skin –  like the first warm breeze of spring after the privations of winter?  It’s the invigorating whisper of hope –

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A Personal Story of Discovering Spiritual Companionship

My name is Matt Whitney and I am the Creative Director of SDI. I want to share with you my personal story about how I came to discover spiritual companionship, and why I think it’s such a vital practice in our world. I am someone who considers themselves to be

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Religious or Not – One Question We Should All Ask Ourselves

Editor’s Note – This is election time in the United States. Uncertainty and anxiety run through the hearts of many Americans. These feelings are also commonplace around the world, where suffering abounds and fear reigns in the place of hope. The post below was written by London-based spiritual director Bruce

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On Hope, Art, Dismantling & Rebuilding

by Kayce Stevens Hughlett Editor’s note: Kayce is one of the co-presenters of a new SDI webinar series ,called Bringing the Arts to Spiritual Companionship – Awakening the Creative Spirit. She”ll be presenting with Betsey Beckman. It starts January 7, 2021. Learn more here. The following post captures her affirming

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