Volume 26, Number 3
September 2020


In This Issue

Meditations on the Many - J. Matthew Thomas
"Meditations on the Many 19" — J. Matthew Thomas

Reciprocal intergenerational listening—whereby each generation gleans much-needed wisdom in a relationship that mimics the biological concept of symbiosis—holds great potential to heal a rift within our species that appears to be increasing at the speed of technological change. ... But take heart! This dynamic also holds great potential for mutually beneficial intergenerational interdependence.”


"Much of the ministry of spiritual companionship was already a ministry of accompanying those who were experiencing grief and loss. The pandemic has exponentially exacerbated the need for spiritual companionship ... But what of our own grief? How can we possibly accompany others when some days we can barely get out of bed ourselves?"


Kate Sheehan Roach

As the next generation gradually flies the coop and leaves some of us living in empty nests, we are keenly aware of how dependent we have become on the young people in our lives who intuitively know how to program and operate our digital devices, gain access to our password-protected accounts, and seem to navigate the digital landscape effortlessly.

Our Sponsors

More Articles

Jerilyn E. Felton

How could play as a child be a source of inspiration for a vocational choice as a grown-up? It could be argued there is no point at which a person is too “grown up” to be concerned about their vocational state, so the question of what one wants to be when they grow up could have an impact on spiritual directees as they journey through their lives.


Michele Micklewright


Abigail Vizcarra Pérez


Our Sponsors


by Beverly Lanzetta


Reviewed by Pegge Erkeneff

by Adrian Chatfield and Nigel Rooms

Reviewed by Amelia Stratton-Smith

by Wilkie Au and Noreen Cannon Au

Reviewed by Teresa Di Biase

by Robert J. Wicks


Reviewed by Kathryn Madden, rc

by Mark S. Burrows and Jon M. Sweeney

Reviewed by Greg Richardson

by Judith Blackstone

Reviewed by Monique CM Keffer, MA

by Karyn D. Kedar


Reviewed by Karen Lee Erlichman


Publisher: Spiritual Directors International

Executive Director: Rev. Seifu Anil Singh-Molares, MTS

Editor: Nick Wagner

Media Review Editor:  Pegge Erkeneff

Art Editor and Graphic Designer: Tobias Becker

Founding Editor: Susan S. Jorgensen, MA

Poetry Editor: Jennifer (Jinks) Hoffmann

Presencia: Una Publicación Internacional sobre la Dirección Espiritual is published in March, June, September, and December. Presencia offers a forum among diverse people and spiritual traditions for the exploration of present and future trends in the art and ministry of spiritual direction. Presencia is grounded in the belief that our deepest calling is to be present to one another as we share the gift of ourselves. Presencia strives to articulate the essential elements of contemplative practices, formation, and training; to encourage accountability; and to develop clear ethical guidelines. Presencia supports a global contemplative dialog of spiritual care and compassion for others, ourselves, and the whole cosmos. ISSN 1081-7662.

Opinions expressed in this journal are the opinions of the authors and advertisers and may not represent the opinions of Spiritual Directors International, the coordinating council, or the editors. All biblical quotations are from the NRSV unless otherwise noted.


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Bellevue, WA 98009

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