Page 1 - 31-3 Connections August 2022
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            The Public Square of Spiritual Companionship
                               August 2022      Volume 31.3

                        Share this Letter with Anyone

                    Curious about Spiritual Direction

                                    and Companionship –

                              Why Learning is a Calling

                                             By Steven Crandell

          After five years as Director of Content, I am        were easier to equate with recognition and money.
          parting ways with SDI. I am deeply grateful          It has taken me this long – I’m now 63 – to discover
                                                               my intuition as a young man was right. Learning is
          for the opportunity to serve our extraordinary
                                                               enough. It is abundance. And the most profound
          community of deep listeners. I offer my blessings    learning we can do is within. This kind of learning
          and my thanks to you all - for the tender,           is itself a spiritual practice. It is also a metaphor for
          anchoring and ultimately, liberating space you       how to live our lives fully.
          hold for others every time you listen to them.
                                                               I  have  spent  the  last  five  years  of  my  working
          Your open hearts embody and encourage
                                                               life as  the Director of Content for SDI, Spiritual
          presence. Your companionship reminds us that         Directors International. We are an educational
          we have access to connection, meaning and            nonprofit serving 6,000-plus spiritual directors and
          purpose - here and now, in any moment, always.       spiritual companions in 42 countries around the
                                                               world as well as all the people they companion.
          What a gift you bring. Please continue to share it
                                                               Spiritual companionship is present in all religious
          whenever and wherever you are able. I love you       traditions. It also serves those people who honor
          all.   – Steven Crandell                             multiple traditions or none. Spiritual directors hold
                                                               space  for  others  with  deep  listening,  respect  for
          When  I  was  a  freshman  at  university,  I  felt  deep-  the agency of the other, contemplative practice
          down that learning itself was a calling. But my  (prayer, meditation, nature, there are many ways to
          ego refused to accept this and pushed me to use  connect to the infinite) and open-ended questions
          learning as a lever to achieve other objectives that  that help others find their own life-giving questions.

                                                                                                 (continued on page 2)
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