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            The Public Square of Spiritual Companionship

                             February 2021      Volume 30.1


                          By REV. SEIFU ANIL SINGH-MOLARES

           What  does it  mean to  be an  authentic  spiritual  sense where we honor each other – people we’ve
           director? No question is more important to  never met physically and will never meet physically
           our calling. Rev. Seifu Anil Singh-Molares, SDI’s  – but we are connected deeply and intimately to
           executive director, addressed the hallmarks of  them. That’s the connected part of the chain.
           spiritual direction and spiritual companionship in
           a recent Listen issue. (You can read it here,) In this   Editor: How does lineage disconnect us?
           short dialogue, we go even deeper as Rev. Seifu
           focuses on the importance of  lineage with past      Rev.  Seifu: The disconnected part is the
                                                                exploration of the unknown.  I’m not talking about
           and future spiritual directors – honoring both deep   disconnection in terms of alienation.  I’m talking
           connection and deep exploration.
                                                                about disconnection in terms of  contemplative
           Editor: Lineage. Why does it matter to me if I       opportunities. In some very true sense, we are
           want to  be a  good spiritual  director  or spiritual   beings with such limited capabilities that there is
           companion?                                           much more to whatever we feel and intuit than we
                                                                can process rationally. These are things that resonate
           Rev. Seifu: Lineage connects us and disconnects  on multiple levels beyond our own awareness.
           us.  It  connects  us  through  time  –  in  my  case  And though they are beyond our intellectual
           to the historical Buddha of 2600 years ago and  understanding, we can certainly feel our way into
           the example – and the spiritual direction and  them, or meditate, or dance, or whatever tools
           companionship – he still provides me on a daily  we use to tap into that base. So, paradoxically, we
           basis. I receive this through his teachings, but also  disconnect to find a deeper connection – exploring
           through his  non-teachings  – meaning  the space  the same mystery that greeted our ancestors and
           created for intuitive awareness and connection with  will greet our descendants.
           the universe. This is something all great spiritual
           directors and companions do as they invite us into   Editor: You have been part of the Buddhist tradition
           communion with what we in Zen call “beyond the       for more than 40 years, exploring both connection
           beyond,” what others call God or Tao or Brahman,     and disconnection.  What has your lineage taught
           or any number of other descriptors.                  you?

           And so, there is that sense of lineage to the past.   Rev. Seifu: If someone asked me what the main
           But it also connects us to the future. We are part of   takeaway  was  from  all  of  these  explorations  over
           this chain of connected spiritual directors – past,   these four plus decades, it’s that we are not seeking
           present and future – and we are all doing our part   perfection because there is no such thing. This is
           to  keep that  chain alive,  to  keep  that connection   a path of constant awakening and reawakening,
           alive across time and space. That’s what good        of birth and rebirth. Every day is a new beginning.
           spiritual companions do. There’s lineage in that     Our teachers are imperfect. We are imperfect. And

                                                                                              (continued on page 2)

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